
Showing posts from October, 2020

What Is An NGO

  What Is An NGO And What Are The Works Of An NGO? – Hello friends how are you all?  Hope you are all healthy.  Friends, today we have once again brought you information about a very important subject.  In today’s article, we are going to tell you what is an NGO and what are the functions of an NGO?  So friends, if you also want to know about NGO or want to create your own NGO, then this article will prove to be very important for you, that is why, read this article till the last.  Friends, all of you must have heard about NGOs in newspapers, television or social media platforms.  Whenever an untoward incident happens in our society or if anyone in the society has any problem, NGOs always come up to help them, but friends, many people are confused that what is the NGO after all?  Many people think that NGO is government department and some people think that NGO is private department.  Many people do not know about NGOs, that i...

Google Kormo Jobs Apps

  गूगल पे जॉब को किया अपडेट   गूगल ने 1 साल पहले इस एप्लीकेशन को लांच किया था। गूगल इस एप्लीकेशन को लॉन्च करने के पीछे उनका उद्देश्य था कि इस एप्लीकेशन की मदद से लोग कब आसानी से जॉब तलाश सकें।  पहले इस एप्लीकेशन की मदद से केवल रिटेल हॉस्पिटैलिटी और होटल जैसे कंपनियों की रिलेटेड नौकरी ही मिलती थी।  लेकिन अब गूगल ने इस एप्लीकेशन को अपडेट करते हुए इस इस एप्लीकेशन में बहुत सारे बदलाव किए हैं। और आप इस एप्लीकेशन में जॉब के लिए बहुत सारी नौकरी उपलब्ध है।  20 लाख से ज्यादा वेरीफाइड जॉब  पोस्टेड है Kormo Jobs एप्लीकेशन में मौजूदा टाइम में लगभग 20 लाख से ज्यादा वेरीफाइड जॉब उपलब्ध है। आप इस एप्लीकेशन की मदद से अपनी प्रोफाइल के हिसाब से बहुत ही आसानी से जॉब सर्च कर सकते हैं। इस एप्लीकेशन की सबसे बड़ी खासियत यह है कि यहां पर आप अपना डिजिटल सीवी भी बना सकते हैं।  गूगल कोरमो जॉब एप्लीकेशन के प्रबंधक ने बताया कि इस एप्लीकेशन बहुत सारी कंपनियां अपनी जरूरत के हिसाब से उम्मीदवारों  की तलाश करते हैं। अगर आप इस एप्लीकेशन में आप रजिस्टर करते ह...

Surat Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2020

Posts Name: Medical officer Lab technician Educational Qualification MBBS – B.Sc — Or its degree even if it is approved, see the published notifications to get more information. information. Important Dates: Online application submission Start date :: 11-09-2020 Last date for submission of application :: 20-09-2020 Salary: According to the notification, the salary will be Rs 18,000/- Rs 50,000/- Per Month in the published Govt Job. For more information about celery, see official notifications Application Fees Gen / OBC / EWS: Rs 00/- SC / ST: Rs 00/- View Notification Age Limit: The age of the candidate should be 00- 00years. Please see published notification for age relaxation and other information. Please see Official published notification for age relaxation and other information. Note : The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the last date for receipt of application Please see published notification for ...

The Full Form Of RIP ?

What Is The Full Form Of RIP ? – Hello friends, how are you, I welcome you all once again, on our brand new article, friends today, we will give you information on a very important subject in this article. Today we will tell you the meaning of RIP in this article, friends if you also used rm r.i.p. If you do not know the meaning of and want to know, then read our article till the last. Friends, we sincerely hope that you must have heard RIP sometime. Rip is most commonly used on social media but you know, what does rip mean or RIP full form? Everyone uses the word friends, but very few people know it. Rip is a word written in short form. To get the full information about Rip, you have to stay till the end of the article. The word rip is used to mourn someone’s death. We hope that you have seen rip written on a grave and you have also used the word rip many times in social media but you will not know its meaning. Nowadays people use the short form more in their life. Whe...

Postal Circle Recruitment Himachal Pradesh

  Postal Circle Recruitment Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle Recruitment : HP Postal Circle Vacancy 2020 Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle (Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle) has published recruitment for Gramin Dak Sevak posts, the desired candidate is requested to take all the information before applying in this government employment, only then according to his eligibility Apply Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle Vacancy 2020 recruitment detail complete Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle Job 2020 vacancy. Candidates wishing to apply can see all the eligibility criteria, salary, total vacancies, selection process, job description, last date, and other important information like application process for the designation given below. Postal Circle Recruitment Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle Recruitment 2020 ONLINE applications are invited Apprentices for imparting training RBE.No.120/2015, dated 06.10.2015 Factory from the residents of Tamil Nadu. Applications completed in all respect...

Clear Caches In Google Chrome?

  We have already shared many easy tips and tricks or how to for you, with the help of which you can solve your problems related to Tech very easily. Today we are sharing a similar information with you, which is very easy but seems too big because of not knowing the way. Actually, we are talking about clearing Cache (How to clear your browser’s cache) because it helps to open a website fast but at the same time we may have to face many disadvantages like, Unable to find an up-to-date version of the web page, or the web page is not opening properly, and sometimes the page is unable to load. You can clear Cache in all popular web browsers Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer and Safari etc. How to Clear Caches In Google Chrome? Mobile App Step : 1 ## Like desktop, go to the Three Dots option given on the top right corner of the screen in mobile. Step : 2 ## Here you have to tap on History option. Step : 3 ## Now at the bottom of the screen, you will find the ...